Sticky Bumps Day Glo Coloured Cool Wax 6 Pack 85 grams Sticky Bumps Day Glo Coloured Cool Wax 6 Pack 85 grams
4 stars - "Review for Sticky Bumps Day Glo Coloured Cool Wax 6 Pack 85 grams" This Sticky Bumps Day Glo Coloured Cool Wax 6 Pack 85 grams is the best Wax I have tried.
  • Sticky Bumps Day Glo Coloured Cool Wax 6 Pack 85 grams - Image 1
  • Sticky Bumps Day Glo Coloured Cool Wax 6 Pack 85 grams - Image 1

Sticky Bumps Day Glo Coloured Cool Wax 6 Pack 85 grams

Product ID: dayglocool
Brand: Stickybumps
From: $39.99 AUD

View or buy the Wax Surfing - Sticky Bumps Day Glo Coloured Cool Wax 6 Pack 85 grams from Stickybumps to discover other options and shipping details.


NO BLACK included

Sticky Bumps original warm formula in radically retro colors. Comes with one bar each of blue, green, yellow, orange, red, pink.....6 x 85 Gram Bars

Warm/Tropical: Use for water temps above 88°F/20°C

Non-toxic, biodegradable, all-natural

Grape scent


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